Hi Alex,
Have you taken a look at the service dependency? Since they all seem to be the same type of check, you can set a parent check which would just monitor the port, the main web site, or the apache process, and the internal nagios mechanisms will trigger only an alert for the parent check if it goes down, hiding all child service checks.
is that what you're looking for?
-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Flex [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: 31 August 2013 21:17
To: nagios-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Nagios-users] Is it possible to recieve a single global notification for all checks?
Hello Nginx,
I have a single host, and dozens of services of the same type (http
check) monitored.
When a service goes down it is normal for others to report CRITICAL at the same time. Intead of generating a notification for each independant service can I have a SINGLE email consolidate the report on whats on CRITICAL?
Perhaps using a global handler, however how would this work with the part of one email per minute if my understanding is that the global event handler runs independtly for each service?
Anything creative is welcome.
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