[Nagios-users] Upgrading to Nagios 4.0.0
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
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Hi all!

Since I saw recently released version 4.0.0 of Nagios Core, today I
tried to test it using the update procedure published [1].

But, from what I saw, the process does not start after doing a

Viewing the /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log, I find the following:

[1380134669] Warning: use_embedded_perl_implicitly is deprecated and will be removed.
[1380134669] Warning: enable_embedded_perl is deprecated and will be removed.
[1380134669] Warning: p1_file is deprecated and will be removed.
[1380134669] Warning: sleep_time is deprecated and will be removed.
[1380134669] Warning: external_command_buffer_slots is deprecated and will be removed. All commands are always processed upon arrival
[1380134669] Warning: command_check_interval is deprecated and will be removed. Commands are always handled on arrival
[1380134669] Nagios 4.0.0 starting... (PID=23082)
[1380134669] Local time is Wed Sep 25 15:44:29 ART 2013
[1380134669] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1380134669] qh: Socket '/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.qh' successfully initialized
[1380134669] qh: core query handler registered
[1380134669] nerd: Channel hostchecks registered successfully
[1380134669] nerd: Channel servicechecks registered successfully
[1380134669] nerd: Channel opathchecks registered successfully
[1380134669] nerd: Fully initialized and ready to rock!
[1380134669] wproc: Successfully registered manager as @wproc with query handler
[1380134669] wproc: Registry request: name=Core Worker 23085;pid=23085
[1380134669] wproc: Registry request: name=Core Worker 23086;pid=23086
[1380134669] wproc: Registry request: name=Core Worker 23084;pid=23084
[1380134669] wproc: Registry request: name=Core Worker 23083;pid=23083
[1380134669] Error: Module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/npcdmod.o' is using an old or unspecified version of the event broker API. Module will be unloaded.
[1380134669] Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/npcdmod.o' deinitialized successfully.
[1380134669] Error: Failed to load module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/npcdmod.o'.
[1380134669] Error: Module loading failed. Aborting.

May Nagios not start for failure on npcdmod.o module? Is it necessary to
do something else that is not documented in [1]?

Thanks in advance for your reply.


[1] http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/nagioscore/4/en/upgrading.html#nagios3x
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